Rio de Janeiro
Ever watched Rio and Rio 2 the American 3D computer-animated musical adventure- comedy film produced by Blue Sky Studios, the title refers to the Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro , where the film is set. Rio de Janeiro commonly known as Rio, is on the far western part of a strip of Brazil's Atlantic coast close to the Tropic of Capricorn , where the shoreline is oriented east–west. Facing largely south, the city was founded on an inlet of this stretch of the coast, Guanabara Bay (Baía de Guanabara), and its entrance is marked by a point of land called Sugar Loaf (Pão de Açúcar)—a "calling card" of the city. Rio de Janeiro is hot for most of the year, and rain is frequent during the period between December and March. The coastal areas are cooler than those situated inland due to the cool breeze blowing off the blue waters of the Atlantic Ocean. It is the second-most populous municipality in Brazil and the sixth-most populous in the Americas. It was founde...